Exciting news!
Positive Partnerships are now offering new online workshops for families during Term 4. These workshops are different to the webinar series we offer and a different experience to a regular face-to-face workshop. To find out more about what is on offer in your state and territory, check out our home page.
During the online workshops, we will cover:
- diversity of autism
- sensory processing
- understanding behaviour
- working together with your child’s school
The online workshops will be offered via Zoom and be region or state/territory specific. The workshop will be delivered either as a whole day or a series of weekly sessions during the day or evening. We are trialling different times in different locations to see what will work best for families. On our home page, click on the workshop in your respective state/territory to register.
We will continue to offer the 60-minute webinars on a range of topics. Click here to view recordings of past webinars and to register for up-coming webinars: https://www.positivepartnerships.com.au/workshops-online-learning/webinars
Positive Partnerships will offer a small number of face-to-face workshops in Western Australia and South Australia in Term 4. We continue to monitor health advice regarding the impact of COVID-19 and hope to be able to offer more face-to-face workshops in more areas in the near future. See our home page for our available face-to-face workshops.
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